Ram Gopal Varma Praises Mia Malkova: The Ram Gopal Varma has gone gaga over the beauty of adult actress Mia Malkova on the day of her birthday. The RGV said that she is a straightforward, honest, determined and strong-minded girl. It is known that RGV does not believe in birthday celebrations and rarely wishes anyone on a birthday. RGV surprised all his Twitter followers by wishing American adult film actress Mia Malkova. They had worked together in God, Sex and Truth, which was released on January 27, 2018.
Ram Gopal Varma Written and Directed, God, Sex and Truth is a short documentary film about the strength of women sexuality and beauty. In the Movie, Mia Malkova delivers a monologue about her sexuality, the role of women in society and the patriarchal bonds that attempt to tie them.
In a series of Ram Gopal Varma tweets, explained why he is wishing Mia Malkova. The director tweeted, “Hey @MiaMalkova I wish u the most amazing happiness on ur birthday because of the simple reason that you keep giving so much happiness to all with such complete strength of ur personality and ur tremendous conviction in presenting the real Truth of both God and Sex.”
Ram Gopal Varma Talking about Mia Malkova beauty, The Ram Gopal Varma Praises Mia Malkova wrote, “Hey @MiaMalkova when I worked with u, I couldn’t realise whether ur outer beauty as a beautiful body is more or ur inner beauty as a soul is more beautiful, till I realised that beauty is actually an overall personality and nothing to do with inner or outer.”
Ram Gopal Varma added, “I have never met a more straightforward, more honest, more determined, more strong-minded person than u, @MiaMalkova and just on that account, I wish u so many more supremely happy returns of this day. Happy birthday to uuuuuuu.”