Veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah Hospitalised in Mumbai city. The 70-year-old actor has reportedly been diagnosed with pneumonia and a patch in his lungs and is undergoing treatment over the past couple of days. Naseeruddin Shah’s manager confirmed the news to the media. “Naseeruddin Shah Hospitalised on June 29, but he is now doing well. There is a pneumonia patch on his lungs, and the treatment is going on. He might be discharged today or tomorrow,” the manager said.
On the work front, Naseeruddin Shah will next be seen in the upcoming film “Maarrich”. Directed by debutant Dhruv Lather, “Maarrich” also features Tusshar Kapoor, Anita Hassanandani, Rahul Dev, and South Indian actress Seerat Kapoor. Naseeruddin Shah will also feature alongside Rasika Dugal in the upcoming film “The Miniaturist Of Junagadh”.