Meta AI: How to Use Meta AI in WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook

Learn how to effectively use Meta AI in WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook. Discover features, tips, and best practices to enhance your social media experience with AI-powered tools.

meta ai

A new feature called Meta AI is now available in the Indian market that gives AI suggestions on WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook. Artificial Intelligence AI is now widely spreading across all platforms, industries, and fields. AI is automating most of the tasks by reducing manpower. Now Meta has launched a feature called ‘Meta AI’ across its platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook.

What is Meta AI?

This is just like an AI assistant, which helps users with proper planning and suggestions. It helps to plan everyday tasks, learning, and creative works. We will discuss how to use the Meta AI feature on these platforms. Meta has launched a desktop version also. Visit for further details.


What does Meta AI do?:

  • You can ask MetAI or Meta AI will suggest you based on your search or chatting like the following
  • Send a professional email.
  • Solves a math problem.
  • Suggest a movie, restaurant, parks etc.
  • Deep dive on topics.
  • Content creation.
  • Whatever you search in Google can get it on Meta apps right there.

How to get Meta AI in WhatsApp?

In the chat section of WhatsApp, above the green-colored ‘+’ button, a round blue-purple circle icon will appear. If the blue-purple button is not found, update WhatsApp.

How to get meta ai in whatsapp

How to use Meta AI in WhatsApp?

In WhatsApp Meta AI gives suggestions to users for example if you are planning to go to a restaurant with your friend while chatting MetaAI will suggest a restaurant. For road trips, party places, and whatnot MetaAI will give you suggestions. Everything you get within the conversions and need not search for the topic separately in a web browser.

Why Meta AI is not visible on WhatsApp?

MetaAI has just launched across Meta apps. For updated Android versions like 13, and 14 it is appearing.  But for older versions of Android, it still needs to be updated. Once please update the App from the Play Store. Many users in India haven’t received the update. Make sure that you have the latest version of the Meta apps installed. It takes time to get this update for all the Android users.

How to get Meta AI in Instagram?

In Instagram chats, just type ‘@’ and your query, MetaAI will interact with you.

How to Use Meta AI on Instagram?

How to use meta ai on instagram

You can query about event planning, edit photos, suggest themes, theme songs, quotes for your photos, etc. But MetaAI is how useful Instagram is yet to know because MetAI for Instagram is still in the starting stages.

How to use Meta AI on Facebook Feed?

How to use meta ai on facebook feed

In the Facebook feed, you can access the Meta AI below the post. If you like any post, You can ask MetaAI to give more info about that post. Meta AI will auto-detect keywords from any post or feed and suggest a few automatic questions with those keywords. You can directly select any of those questions if you want more information. 

Like WhatsApp, Meta AI can be useful in the Facebook messenger app. It works similarly to WhatsApp like event planning, helps to make decisions, etc.

Meta AI Imagine Feature:

Meta ai imagine feature

Meta has launched a beautiful feature called ‘Imagine’ where you can ask MetaAI to imagine something and ask to animate. In the group chat itself you create an image and edit it. You can make birthday cards directly in the chat and share them. You can make emojis, stickers, etc. You can create animations right there in the chat. This works like wonder and eliminates time-taking for every other task. You can upload an existing image and ask MetaAI to animate it.


Meta AI makes things easier when we interact with the upcoming technology. It is becoming part of our lives and is used across various fields. In the coming days, more transformative changes in Met AI may happen and will make lives even better and easier.

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