Superstar Mahesh Babu Released the Major Movie Teaser in Telugu, while Major teaser in Hindi and Malayalam versions were released by Salman Khan and Prithviraj Sukumaran respectively. Major Movie teaser begins with Adivi Sesh as NSG Commando who is severely injured is struck in a building that is set on the fire. Then, childhood episodes are shown. Prakash Raj and Revathi play his parents and there is the influence of incidents in his childhood to become a soldier. According to him, a soldier’s duty is to protect every patriotic citizen of the country.
Adivi Sesh plays 26/11 martyr Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan in the film and looks like he nailed the part completely and Major teaser shows not just how Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan put his life on the line to save people, but also how he lived life to the fullest. Major Film will cover the life and inspirational journey of the 2008 Mumbai attacks martyr Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan.
Watch Major Movie Teaser (Telugu):
Watch Major Movie Teaser (Malayalam)
Watch Major Movie Teaser (Hindi)
Major, an Indian film, releasing in Telugu, Hindi and Malayalam is produced by Sony Pictures Films India in association with Mahesh Babu’s GMB Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. and A+S Movies. The film is directed by acclaimed Telugu director Sashi Kiran Tikka and features Adivi Sesh, Sobhita Dhulipala, and Saiee Manjrekar. The Major film is slated to hit screens on July 2, 2021.