The photo-sharing platform Instagram Live Video Time Limit extended from 60 minutes to 4 hours. The change is global and applies to all Instagram users. The reason behind the move, Instagram said, is helping creators yoga instructors, musicians, artists, cooks, and the like to do longer sessions with their audience without being interrupted every hour, reported Mashable.
However, this will only be available to accounts “in good standing,” with no history of IP or policy violations, Instagram said. As per Instagram, it is also adding the option to archive live broadcasts for as long as 30 days.
“Now your live videos will be kept in your archive. Only you can see them. After your live videos end, they will be available in your archive for 30 days. You can download your live videos to your device or upload them to IGTV from your archive,” said a notice that will be shown to users on the launch, reported Mashable. Instagram said this new feature will launch `soon.`

The company also said that it will be updating the `Live Now` section on IGTV and at the end of a live stream, with the idea of providing people with more content that may interest them, both from the creators they follow, and those they don`t.