Indian smartphone accessories brand iGear has announced the launch of the RazorBeat, a wireless soundbar in India. iGear Razorbeat Wireless Soundbar features 10w of output power that supports multiple inputs such as Bluetooth, AUX, and more. iGear Razorbeat is designed as a personal Bluetooth speaker system with a built-in subwoofer and 10W output power. The various inputs it supports include Bluetooth 5.0, AUX-in, USB, FM Radio, and SD Card. It comes with a 1500mAh rechargeable that will provide about 4 to 5 hours of continuous listening time.
iGear Razorbeat Wireless Soundbar Price in India:
The iGear Razorbeat Wireless Soundbar is available for purchase on Amazon and Flipkart for a price of Rs. 2000. Commenting on the launch, iGear Founder Kamlesh Sharma said: The iGear RazorBeat can boost the audio performance of your smart television to a whole new level. It can produce razor-sharp sounds and superior bass, the soundbar brings you a theatre-like experience thanks to the inbuilt subwoofer. Using Bluetooth v5.0 and an inbuilt-rechargeable battery, the RazorBeat is completely wireless and can also be used as a portable standalone personal audio system.