Telegram said over 100 million new users joined Telegram this January 2021, seeking more privacy and freedom. It is fitting to have a feature that helps users retrieve their old chats before moving in. Not just chats, even videos, photos, and documents that you’ve shared on WhatsApp Export to Telegram Made Very Easy.
The feature to Import WhatsApp chats to Telegram is available for both Android and iOS users. According to the press release notes of the Telegram update version 7.4, users will be able to import chats from WhatsApp, Line, KakaoTalk, and other unspecified messaging apps. Using WhatsApp as an example here’s How to Export WhatsApp Chat History to Telegram?.
How to Export WhatsApp Chat History to Telegram on Android Devices (Step-by-Step)
- To move WhatsApp Chat to Telegram on Android phones, make sure that the Telegram app to the latest version, i.e. 7.4.0 Update from Google Play Store.
- Now, go to WhatsApp –> tap on the chat you wish to export –> select ‘three-dot icon’ –> look for ‘More’ Under more, you’ll see the option to ‘Export chat’
- Tap on it to see a message pop-up on your screen asking whether you want to export chat with/ without media.
- Tap on the preferred option and choose Telegram in the Share menu. The latter will only appear if you have the Telegram app installed on your device.
- After this, go to Telegram and you will see the ‘Saved Messages’ draft. Tap on it to import chats from WhatsApp.
How to Export WhatsApp Chat History to Telegram on iOS Devices (Step-by-Step)
- As for the iPhone, the option to move WhatsApp chat history to Telegram is available with 7.4.1.
- If you have that base covered, open on WhatsApp for iOS, go to the Contact Info or Group Info page
- Select ‘Export Chat’, followed by Telegram in the Share menu.
- You will get the option to export chats with or without media, much like Android.
Additionally, the transfer WhatsApp chat to telegram feature is a bit more streamlined on iOS than Android and you can only import chats from WhatsApp to Telegram one at a time.