People all over the world have been so addicted to the use of smartphones that they are spending more time on a daily basis using them for making calls and working on apps. How Smartphone Usage Increased in the usual day of a working individual starts with the use of smartphone and ends with it as well. Here is what the schedule of one of the employees, we spoke with, in a multi-national company looks like:
How Smartphone Usage Increased in our Daily Life
- Waking Up in the Morning – Looking at the smartphone to check emails, important messages, phone calls, etc.
- While Freshening Up – Looking at the smartphone to browse apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.
- While Going to the Office – Getting directions from GPS (Google Maps), making or receiving official calls, browsing apps, etc.
- While Working in the Office – Constantly doing things related to office work and making or receiving calls.
- While Coming Back from Office – Getting directions from GPS (Google Maps), making or receiving official calls, browsing apps, watching a Netflix series or a movie, etc.
- While Having Dinner – Looking at the smartphone for office updates, chatting with friends using different apps, watching the news on YouTube.
- Before Sleeping – Looking at the smartphone to check emails, important messages, browsing different apps, etc.
A usual day of a corporate employee involves about 3 to 8 hours of Smartphones usage depending upon the type of work they do. The case of a businessman is no different. Some businessmen have a phone usage time of 8 to 12 hours which can be very critical.