Amazon Prime Video announced that the Telugu film Ek Mini Katha Starring Santosh Sobhan, Kavya Thapar, Shraddha Das in the lead roles has release on May 27, 2021. The makers in a statement said Ek Mini Katha Movie is a light-hearted romantic tale with a social message. Sharing the official news, Amazon Prime Video wrote; A mini tale of love, comedy, and everything in between! Watch #EkMiniKathaOnPrime on May 27. Ek Mini Katha Trailer is out.Â
Ek Mini Katha Movie Stream on Amazon Prime Video
A mini tale of love, comedy and everything in between!
Watch #EkMiniKathaOnPrime on May 27.
Trailer out tomorrow. @santoshshobhan @KavyaThapar @shraddhadas43 @actorbrahmaji @MerlapakaG @karthikrapol #NelloreSudarshan @SiriRaasi @Plakkaraju #MangoMassMedia @UV_Creations— amazon prime video IN (@PrimeVideoIN) May 20, 2021
Director Merlapaka Gandhi wrote the film story and Karthik Rapolu is making his debut as a director with Ek mini Katha. Gokul Bharathi is the cinematographer and G Sathya is the editor. Raveendar worked as the art director and music scored by Pravin Lakkaraju. UV Creations’ produced the film and Mango Mass Media is presenting the Ek mini Katha Movie.