The Damaged 2 web series is an Indian psychological crime thriller that builds upon the foundation laid by its predecessor, “Damaged.” The Damaged Season 2 is a gripping web series that premiered on Hungama Play. It stars Hina Khan and Adhyayan Suman in the lead roles. The series explores themes of crime, mystery, and the supernatural, delivering a narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
What is the story of Damaged 2?
Watch Damaged 2 Web Series Trailer
Damaged 2 web series cast includes:
- Hina Khan as Gauri Batra
- Adhyayan Suman as Akash Batra
- Akhil Mishra as Goonj
- Sachin Parikh as Amit Das
- Sapan Gulati as Rishi Sharma
- Anjana Nathan as Inspector Malini
Hina Khan and Adhyayan Suman play the lead roles in this psychological crime thriller.
How many episodes are in Damaged Season 2?
Damaged Season 2 has a total of 8 episodes. This season is a psychological crime drama featuring Hina Khan and Adhyayan Suman in lead roles.
Where can I watch the Damaged 2 web series?
You can watch the Damaged 2 web series on Airtel Xstream Play. It’s available for free streaming on the platform.