Upasana Kamineni Konidela is busy with the promotional activities of her husband Ram Charan and his upcoming movie Vinaya Vidheya Rama which is arriving at the theaters on 11th January 2019 on the occasion of Sankranthi. The Upasana Kamineni Shared Ram Charan Hottest Photoshoot took to her Twitter to share a short video clip and captioned it, “Needed new pictures for the movie wall in our new home, FORCED MrC to do this for me! Thanks, @eshaangirri for the quickest yet hottest photoshoot of #ramcharan.”
For Vinaya Vidheya Rama, Ram Charan needed a Rambo type of body and he was trained by celebrity fitness instructor Rakesh Udiyar, Recently during the media interaction, The Mega Power Star Ram Charan said, “It was the director’s idea completely for me to have Rambo type of body for this film.
Upasana Kamineni Shared Ram Charan Hottest Photoshoot
Upasana Kamineni Shared Ram Charan Six Pack Photoshoot
Needed new pictures for the movie wall in our new home, FORCED MrC to do this for me 😁😊 ! Thanks @eshaangirri for the quickest yet hottest 🔥🔥🔥 photo shoot of #ramcharan pic.twitter.com/twPfefx0Fc
— Upasana Konidela (@upasanakonidela) January 9, 2019
A few days ago, Ram Charan’s wife Upasana Kamineni Konidela shared snippets from his workout regime and also pics and details about his weekly schedule. Upasana also captioned one of the pics, “Rough, raw and extremely tough. Mr.C’s workout – tailor-made by Rakesh Udiyar for Vinaya Vidheya Rama.