What is WannaCry Ransomware: WannaCry ransomware is an ongoing Cyber threat/attack targeting Mircosoft systems, the first malware attacked was on Friday, 12th May 2017 that infected more than 70,000 computers in an hour.The Virus affected 150 counties, the virus first infected in the hospitals in England and telecom company in Spain, FedEx offices in the UK and Russian interior ministry, Russian interior ministry.
How to Protect your Computer from getting hacked from WannaCry Ransomware:
- The first thing you need to be alert about the links and pages you are browsing, and do not click on an Unknown link.
- To be on a safe side the users should backup their computer database or information, the backup on regular basis will help you.
- Soon after the attack, Microsoft has released a patch for the security hole, Patch (MS17-010), it’s Important for the users to install this patch on their computer, the computers which didn’t have this patch were only affected.
- “If your software is not patched, you can exploit that user. Anyone who applied the patch that Microsoft released likely wasn’t affected by this,” Reiher said.
- Do not open any unknown emails, that contain attachments and that could have malware.Avoid clicking on links or opening attachments or emails from people you don’t
- The Computers running on windows 7 windows 2008 are mostly prone to wanna cry attack, Wannacrypt0r2.0 was designed to work only against unpatched windows OS. People using windows 10 are safe, Upgrade your Windows OS to windows 10.
- Remove Windows NT4, Windows 2000 and Windows XP-2003 from production environments.
- Block ports 139, 445 and 3389 in the firewall.
- SMB is enabled by default on Windows. Disable smb service on the machine by going to Settings > uncheck the settings > OK
- Make sure your software is up-to-date.
- Have a pop-up blocker running on your web browser.
- Install a good antivirus and a good anti ransomware product for better security.
Avoid opening the links, URLs, files or emails or messages with these file Names
- @Please_Read_Me@.txt
- @WanaDecryptor@.exe
- @WanaDecryptor@.exe.lnk
- Please Read Me!.txt (Older variant)
- C:WINDOWStasksche.exe
- C:WINDOWSqeriuwjhrf
- 131181494299235.bat
- 176641494574290.bat
- 217201494590800.bat
- [0-9]{15}.bat #regex
- !WannaDecryptor!.exe.lnk
- 00000000.pky
- 00000000.eky
- 00000000.res
- C:WINDOWSsystem32taskdl.exe