e-EPIC – (Electronic Electoral Photo Identity Card)

E-epic electronic electoral photo identity card
E epic - electronic electoral photo identity card

The Election Commission of India launched the e-EPIC (Electronic Electoral Photo Identity Card) programme on Monday (January 25), National Voter’s Day 2021. If reports are to be believed, the Digital Voter-Id Card (eEPIC) service will become available to voters across the country before assembly elections in five states– Assam, Kerala, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal.


What is e-EPIC?

The e-EPIC is a secure portable document format (PDF) version of the EPIC that will have a secured QR code with images and demographics like serial number, part number, etc. which can be downloaded on mobile or in a self-printable form on the computer. A voter can thus store the voter id card on his/her mobile, upload it as a PDF on Digi locker or print it and self-laminate it. This is in addition to PCV EPIC being issued currently. This is in addition to physical IDs being issued for fresh registration.

E-epic electronic electoral photo identity card
E epic – electronic electoral photo identity card

How to Download e-EPIC?

e-EPIC can be downloaded through the following online links, however, the voter-ID card would also be sent to them: 

Voter Helpline Mobile App:

Who is eligible for e-EPIC?

All general voters who have a valid EPIC Number. All new electors registered during special summary revision 2021 (i.e. those who applied during Nov-Dec2020) and whose mobile number provided while applying is unique will get an SMS and may download e-EPIC between January 25 and 31, 2021. Other general electors may download e EPIC from February 1, 2021, onwards. (they will however not get any SMS).

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