Actor Ali Fazal is the latest victim of cyber-attack. The Fukrey actor took to Instagram to condemn the attack and also confirmed that those were his Private Pictures. A number of photos of the handsome actor Ali Fazal Private Pictures LEAKED online reportedly on a Saturday. In the Instagram video, Ali Fazal has called the act ‘cheap’ and ‘distasteful’ and has vowed to get the matter investigated.
Ali Fazal had also said, “I think it’s weird but I’m the more shy person of the two of us. I don’t like talking too much about it (his relationship) because I enjoy being in my space. People who are into PDA, no offense to them, but I opt to keep my personal life private.”
Before Ali Fazal, Shruti Haasan’s sister, Akshara Haasan Private Photos had also been leaked online. Take a look at Ali Fazal Instagram video here:
Ali Fazal Private Pictures LEAKED online
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Following the complaint, Actor Ali Fazal Private Pictures had been removed from social media and other platforms.